Seashells and beach pebbles beside this Beautiful Deck of Daily Inspiration Cards by Morning Moon Jewelry

The Importance of Telling our Stories

Did you know that each piece of Nature Inspired, Handmade Jewelry in the Morning Moon Collection comes with it’s own Storycard?

Allow me to backup for a moment. Each and every single piece in the Morning Moon collection can be traced back to a single moment in time; the moment that that particular object in nature spoke to me, asking me to make it into jewelry to bring the essence of its energy and wisdom to you.

For years I have been intently listening to these messages from my Nature muses - Cedar and Fern whispering their messages of power and resiliency to me as they gently sway in sweet forest breezes, Sea Urchin bubbling lovely little wisdom secrets from the sparkling waters in which she lives - all of them urging me to make them into pendants and earrings in order to share their stories, wisdom and love with you and the world.

One day, I realized how important it was to share these messages with you - the people wearing the pieces, so I wrote all of the information down on little storycards and I have sent them home with each piece ever since.

It has been an honour to translate these whisperings from nature into these wearable talismans for you - this is, and always has been about so much more than just jewelry.

And now, after 15 years of doing this, I wanted to find a way to share ALL of these messages with you whether you own a particular piece of jewelry or not - So I created the LIMITED EDITION: Elemental Medicine Inspiration Deck 

Draw a card from this deck anytime you need a loving message from Mother Nature, you will be amazed by how often you pull the exact right card that you need that day.



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