Introducing "Jewelry Chats" our weekly Instagram & Facebook LIVES a virtual art market for jewelry

Introducing "Jewelry Chats" our weekly Instagram & Facebook LIVES a virtual art market for jewelry

Hi! It’s me, Kate, - Founder & Lead Designer of Morning Moon Nature Jewelry.

Join me for JEWELRY CHATS - a Virtual LIVE ART MARKET on Wednesdays at 11am Pacific time, it will include behind the scenes studio moments, explanations of the origins and symbolism of each piece, time for Q & A about the jewelry; bits and bobs about how it’s made, and random prizes for people in the audience!

Head over to Instagram right now to 🔔 TURN POST NOTIFICATIONS ON so you don't miss a thing!  

I have been meaning to do this for you for quite a while now, these LIVES. I get a bit nervous in front of the camera, so I have been putting it off, but I really want an opportunity to tell you a little bit more about how I make this handmade nature jewelry, and why I make this jewelry, and what this jewelry means.

So once a week, I'm gonna pop up on INSTAGRAM and Facebook and just tell you a little bit about something that's going on either in the jewelry studio, or in the in the design process of coming up with the jewelry, or what's even just kind of on my mind in terms of the symbolism of the pieces. Anything related to the jewelry really!

This week, I wanted to talk to you a little bit about Fern Leaf Jewelry. 

We have a beautiful set of long dangly fern leaf earrings; they're they're just gorgeous; detail has always been really important to me -  to capture as much of the detail as I possibly can and the jewelry. And so even on the back of these pieces, you can see the vein from the original leaf. And on the front, you can see all the little details from the fern themselves. It's just always been really important to me to capture as much of nature's magic as possible.

And so I have these Fern Leaf Earrings in silver, and I have a Fern Leaf Necklace. Make sure you check out both the golden and the silver finish.

We've had the long ones for a while now, long enough to become a bestseller, but we've got shorter ones coming! Make sure you are signed up for the newsletter if you want to be the first to know when they drop

Fern is the BIRTHelement for April.

If you know anybody who was born in April or you were born in April, it's a really good treat for you because it's kind of like a birthstone, but better because it's with natural elements instead.

We've carefully selected, based on the symbology of each of the pieces, an element for each month,  find out what your BIRTHelement is.

All our orders go out in these really beautiful little boxes, every order goes out as though it is wrapped as a gift, even if it's for you! (useful for you to know in case you're sending a gift to somebody else though!)

These LIVES are an opportunity for you to ask me questions and learn more abut our Beautiful Collection of Handmade Nature Jewelry  It's like we're going to be be in a market setting together. If you walked up to me and I had all my jewelry out on display in a market, what would you ask me? And I want to be here to answer those questions for you. And an each week, I'll show you a new thing;  this week was FERN and you can go back and watch this weeks

We call FERN the ancient wanderer, and their symbology is reverie, sincerity and magic. And what I love about the fern is that they unfurl as they grow. So when you find them in the forest, they're all sort of curled up like a fiddlehead. And then as they open, they sort of unfurl themselves. I love that symbology for us as people because I feel like as we walk down the path of our own lives, that's what we're doing, we're unfurling. There's something sort of primordial this wisdom that tells us how to do that, you know, there's something that tells the fern leaf how to unfurl that way. And it's the same thing for us. And so I love that they're really good symbol for somebody who's going through a big transformational period in their life, or, or somebody who's hoping to bring some great big change into their lives.

So if you have any questions at all, please send me a message. And remember to tune in on Wednesdays at 11am PST.

Love, Kate: Founder and lead designer at Morning Nature Jewelry,

See you there!

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