Behind The Scenes: A Look At My Creative Process

Behind The Scenes: A Look At My Creative Process

Ever since I was a little girl, I have loved pretty things.

Textures, shapes, colours, form.. All of these speak so directly to the part of my soul that my own creativity is born of and bursts forth from, that when I see something beautiful, I can’t contain it: I immediately feel a deep and familiar urge well up in me to create something beautiful with my own two hands, and heart - almost as if to answer the beauty I just saw “out there” with my own something beautiful.

This call and response relationship between me and beauty is how this whole collection of Morning Moon’s Nature Jewelry was born. Each piece a joyful response to the very magnificence of nature itself.

Forest earringsseashell pendants, - all of my nature inspired jewelry, is brimming with life - and is intended to connect you, with this place deep within, where joy comes from, where creativity comes from.

Jewelry Inspired by Nature (if made with love!) has the power to remind us of that thing we seem to keep forgetting: That we are not apart from nature!

My wish is that these pieces connect you with the true beauty of the world both outside and within your very own self so that you may Follow Your Heart and Find Your Treasure. 


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