Bee Jewelry | Pendant Necklace
This happy Bee Pendant Necklace is a timeless classic and sure to become one of your go-to pieces. With its playful and fun style, this handmade bee pendant has been a bestseller for over a decade, making it a crowd favorite that is perfect for everybody and every occasion.
Incredible detail, craftsmanship, and happy vibes - you’ll find yourself reaching for this bee pendant every day and feeling bee-autiful!
What is the Spiritual Meaning of Bee Pendant Necklace Jewelry?
Bee’s are amazing little animals! Because there are bees present on almost all continents of the Earth, they have come to symbolize many things in many different cultures.
Most notably, bees also represent hard work, resourcefulness, team-work, community and communication. A symbol of dedication, focus, and productivity, bees are called “busy” for a reason!
Bee’s also symbolize wealth, good-luck, prosperity, and abundance and success in life. Wearing bee jewelry, dreaming of bees, or seeing bees out in nature, are all signs of good fortune.
Because bees are also responsible for the fertilization of flowers, they are often considered symbols of fertility, new life and new beginnings.
The Healing Power of Bee Pendant Necklace Jewelry
Bees remind us that we all deserve a strong network of unconditional love and support. They remind us that we all belong, that we are loved, and that we are here for a purpose.
Wear a bee pendant when you want to improve personal relationships and learn more about yourself and your goals in life.
What do Bees Teach us?
With the help of others you can accomplish your goals, no matter how big they are. With hard work and determination, anything can be possible.
Bees teach us that by working together we can accomplish so much more.They teach us that hard work pays off but that we should also remember to enjoy the sweet things in life. Stop to smell the flowers and remember to appreciate the beauty of nature and life.
With their ability to sting, bees can also remind us of the importance of setting boundaries.
Popular Bee Pendant Necklace Jewelry Gift Ideas
Bee jewelry is a lovely way to express your individual style and keep symbolism that is important to you close to your heart.
Bee is also August’s BirthElement. If you, or someone you love, has a birthday in August, consider a piece from our Bee jewelry collection as the perfect gift.
Birthstones are a popular gift idea, especially for birthdays. While they are well-known and well-established, we wanted to take a new approach to this classic tradition. August’s birthstone is Peridot. Our BirthElement for August is Bee.

How Does Wearing Bee Pendant Necklace Jewelry Enhance Your Life?
Bee jewelry enhances your life by reminding you that you are part of something bigger. Bee’s remind us of the importance of community, and that there is power in numbers. Instead of trying to accomplish things alone, allow others to help. With teamwork and dedication, both you and your community can prosper.
Where to Buy Bee Pendant Necklace Jewelry
Morning Moon Nature Jewelry is available in stores throughout BC as well as in the Yukon and California. And of course, you can always purchase jewelry on our website. Find a store in your area.
More Info About Our Bee Pendant Necklace Jewelry
A talisman for communication, cooperation & self-discovery.
The Helpers - Bees symbolize belonging, balance, union, stability, harmony, families, community, and personal power. When we follow bees' wisdom, we may discover a more fruitful path that may not have been uncovered otherwise. Bees teach us that amazing achievements are possible with determined co-operation.
Facts About Bees
Bees are found on every continent except Antarctica.
Bees feed exclusively on nectar and pollen. Nectar provides an energy source while pollen provides protein and other important nutrients. Pollen is also used as food for larvae.
Human beekeeping has been practiced since Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece. The Mayans also practiced large-scale beekeeping since pre-Columbian times.
Bees have appeared in mythology and folklore since ancient times.
Only female bees can sting.
As bees forage, they also pollinate the flowers they visit. Pollen sticks to the bees body and as they visit each flower, the pollen is distributed, resulting in fertilization, allowing plants to reproduce and grow fruits and seeds.
Honey bees can communicate through dance. Using dance, bees can share information about the distance and direction to food and water sources as well as new possible nest locations.
Why Bees are Important
Bees and other pollinators are essential to human survival. They pollinate approximately 80% of all flowering plants. A single bee colony is capable of pollinating up to 300 million flowers each day. Fruits, nuts, and vegetables all rely on pollinators, with 35% of the world's crop production depending on pollination.
However, due to habitat loss, pesticide use, and climate change, bees are increasingly under threat! There has been a dramatic decline in bees and other important species of insects such as Monarch Butterflies. Studies show that there has been a 45% decline in invertebrate species over the past four decades. Some types of bees, as well as other pollinators, like Monarch Butterflies, have been classified as endangered.
The threat in the decline of bee populations is real. If bees were to become extinct, many plant species would also disappear, some of which we rely on for food. However, it's not only bees that are at risk, many other insects responsible for pollination are also under threat of extinction.
The absence of bees and other pollinators would mean apples, blueberries, cherries, watermelon, and pumpkins would all die out. Other crops like almonds, tomatoes, cocoa and coffee, to name a few, would also disappear.
Pollinators are crucial to maintaining a healthy ecosystem.Losing bees would not only affect humans, it would affect the entire ecosystem, throwing everything off balance. Without pollinators, the composition of entire plant communities would shift, posing serious implications for animal wildlife. Many animals rely on plants for food and shelter but without bees this would change drastically.
Why are Bees Dying?
The main reasons for the decline in bees and other pollinators is largely caused by humans. The use of harmful pesticides in both agriculture as well as in cities, parks, lawns and personal gardens, have all contributed to the dwindling bee populations.
Exposure to pesticides is a huge cause of pollinator decline. Pesticides include insecticides, fungicides and herbicides.
Insecticides are a clear threat as they contain chemicals that kill insects, including bees and other pollinators. Herbicides, which are used to kill weeds, also impact bees. When farmers use herbicides, they kill off a huge variety of wild plants that bees need for food. Some farms plant strips of wildflowers on the edge of crops in an attempt to provide food for pollinators, however drifting clouds of pesticides often contaminate these areas as well.
Habitat destruction and fragmentation as well as the changes in land use have also greatly affected bees. The transformation of farmland into huge monocultures has displaced and harmed bees as well as other countless species such as birds, mammals and amphibians. This way of farming has led to a decline in biodiversity, taking away the diversity of food for bees to forage on, as well as destroying places for bees to nest. These monoculture farms not only destroy natural habitats of grassland and forest, they are also contaminated with pesticides.
Apart from farming there is also a loss in natural habitats due to human-built landscapes and urbanization. Not only do cities disturb natural habitats, they can make it harder for bees to find food.
Other considerations are air-pollution, global warming, disease, invasive species, and parasites, which also have an impact on bees.
How to Save the Bees
As long as there is enough food, habitat, and shelter, cities and suburbs can be surprisingly great homes for bees! By consciously adjusting how we live our lives and build our communities, we can help save bees, butterflies and other essential pollinators and insects from extinction.
There are a number of simple ways that you can help save bees in your own live.
- Go chemical free and stop using pesticides in your gardens
- Plant a bee garden with native, pollinator-friendly plants
- Create nesting places in your garden for bees to live
- Create a bee bath with fresh water and small stones for bees to perch on
Check out the David Suzuki Foundation for more info
On a larger scale, we need to work on banning dangerous pesticides, preserving natural habitats, as well as promoting and restoring sustainable ecological and less pesticide-relient agriculture.
Bee Pendant Necklace Jewelry Reviews